Being a physical therapist I want to shed some light on a little heard of knee condition. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a condition that typically causes pain under and around the patella/kneecap. The activities that usually cause the greatest amount of pain are climbing steps and deep knee bends. The pain is related to specific weakness that is around the knee. These activities require the greatest strength to control the motion and result in a great amount of pain.
In my professional practice I've found that hamstring strength has a protective effect for the knees. Here is a website with more information and a great set of exercise that if performed regularly can help alleviate pain and reduce the risk of an injury. http://www.nismat.org/ptcor/pfp.
One myth is that by using your knees you are going to wear them out and some people may even avoid walking to prevent this situation. Increased activity in childhood and throughout live promotes healthy bones and joints. Continue with weight training and other exercises throughout live is also very important. Again in my experience any hamstring strengthening exercises has a protective effect on knee health and should be emphasized.
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